Medical mushrooms are “chemosynthesists” who biologically synthesize complicated enzymes, vitamins and large molecular secondary substances from various starting materials and at the same time they detoxify harmful substances.
The medical mushrooms have learned to produce highly effective antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal ingredients that have also led to the discovery of penicillin or cyclosporins (immunsuppressiva).
The joint evolution of mammals and fungi also had the effect of creating an almost identical microbial “enemy” for both - some mushroom substances also act against pathogens that are pathogenic to humans. In addition to known antibiotics and anticoagulant metabolites, the approved antitumor substances "Lentinan" and "Krestin" were obtained from mushrooms.
The main active ingredient groups of the medical mushrooms, the large molecular beta-D-glucans, the triterpenes and the amino acids have a broad complementary spectrum of clinical effects such as natural anti-inflammatory, biological radiation protection, detoxification at cell level as well as antioxidative, immunomodulating and antitumor properties. The comprehensive effects in terms of metabolic, hormonal and cardiovascular regulation and intestinal stabilization create the basis for a stable health situation in every age.
The medicinal mushrooms have been used therapeutically for over 4000 years.
The exact areas of application will be discussed in a treatment session if mycotherapy would be a useful addition to the therapy support.
(Content of - Gesellschaft für Vitalpilzkunde Schweiz)