2010 – Present
Naturheilpraxis mit TCM / Akupunktur / Naturopathic practice in Basel city, BS
2012 – 2021
Part-time naturopathic/Chinese medicine support in a residence and crises station for people with addiction problems and crises VSP, Frenkendorf BL
2013 – 2016
Complementary medical care of individual football/soccer players
Summer/Autumn: complementary medical care of the FC Nordstern with acupuncture and tuina, Basel
Founding of the community practice ‘Naturheilpraxis für Chinesische Medizin’ in Breitenbach SO
June ’09 / ’10 NADA-protocol- National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, in Münchenstein, Basel
Aug. – Sept.: Internship at the Hospital for Traditional Medicine WHO in Hanoi, Vietnam
Aug. – Oct.: Internship training part-time during studying in the general practice of Dr. Lorenz Kober in Arlesheim, Basel BL
2007 – 2008 Acupuncture training and internship during education, in the training centre and school’s own teaching practice and therapy centre ‘Eulerhof’, Basel BS
Sept. – Nov.: Insight into an outpatient HIV-clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe; led by Prof. Dr. Ruedi Lüthy, Swiss Aids Care International